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September 14, 2020 4 min read

At Girl and the Sun, we are constantly inspired by the women in our community who are changing the game and chasing their dreams. In this series, get to know some of the amazing women behind our favourite local businesses as they share their stories to success!

This week, we're getting to know the creator of Poppy and Daisy, Helen. Poppy and Daisy make a range of DIY eco activity kits to inspire creativity in kids. 


For anyone who may not already know, could you share with us what Poppy and Daisy does?  

Poppy & Daisy is an eco-conscious children's brand offering fun DIY kits for little creatives to encourage back to nature play. Using environmentally sustainable products and packaging, our activities inspire children to get hands-on and creative with natural materials. 

Why did you start Poppy and Daisy - tell us about your journey?

I started a greeting card business a few years ago as i've always been creative, however I always thought this was just where my journey began and I was waiting for my lightbulb moment to create something I was truly passionate about. This happened in 2019 when Poppy & Daisy celebrated their birthdays and both had big parties....They were given so many plastic toys with plastic packing that it made me realise there weren't very many sustainable gifting options for the 5-12 year olds.
So with the help of Poppy & Daisy, I created our 6 Let's Create eco kits that launched in October 2019 and in February 2020 we launched our mini eco bags that are perfect for party favours, mini gifts or stocking fillers. I'm excited to say that the positive feedback and success of the range has been beyond my wildest dreams.

What about this venture makes you most excited?

I'm most excited that each one of our kits given as a gift, means less plastic in landfill and the positive effect this will have on the next generation. I love that our kits are nostalgic as many people have told me how my kits have taken them on a trip down memory lane. They are reminded of stories pressing flowers or making paper at the kitchen table with grandma. I love that our kits are connecting families through nature as they do our creative experiences together.

Could you pinpoint the biggest lesson you have learnt so far? 
It's to focus on yourself and your business. It's so easy to go down a rabbit hole of comparison which can lead to self doubt. So stay in your own lane and keep improving as you go along. I was once told that if you don't look back and laugh at your first launches or products, then you're not making progress!  

What has been the most rewarding moment you’ve experienced with Poppy and Daisy?

It's the emails I get from customers and wholesalers saying how beautiful my products and packaging are. I sometimes can't believe how something I created and make in my garage ends up on shelves in real shops! It just goes to show you can do anything!

Can you reveal any upcoming plans or projects for Poppy and Daisy?

I have 2 new kits coming out for Christmas. A new larger kit aimed at older children 8 years, and also a new mini kit that also involves beautiful string to thread into a wooden bookmark. I have plans to create a subscription version of my kits and my kits will also be heading overseas in 2021!

What is your source of inspiration?

I love all things eco, natural and raw like raw beads, kraft paper and natural twine. I also love beautiful presentation, so seeing my kits packaged inside kraft boxes surrounded by wood, wool and our eco matte instructions, postcards and stickers makes me so happy. Our kits are also inspired by nature so we have gardens to grow, flowers to press or rainbow, floral or natural inspired wooden embellishments.
My source of inspiration is also my girls Poppy & Daisy. They give me lots of ideas of activities they think will be fun to make and they are my chief testers for all our kits before they get added to the range.

2020 has been, in many ways, a challenging year. Can you share with us something you have learnt this year?

My word of the year was "BALANCE" but 2020 has been a year to challenge that for me. It was hard as my business peaked during covid as people were looking for entertainment for their family in the home. However having my own girls at home made that really challenging. I have learnt I can't do it all and that outsourcing is the best way to keep ticking along and have some level of work life balance.

What advice would you impart on the next generation of women?

Follow your dreams. It sounds cheesy, but basically if you have an idea or are passionate about something, just start, give it a go and see where it takes you. Don't worry about what people will think or failure. Just follow your path and the rest will happen naturally. 

We absolutely love your Eco-DIY Kits! Are there any words of wisdom you would like to pass on to anyone who is wanting to reduce their environmental impact and waste consumption?

I think it's about quality over quantity for our children. I'd rather have my girls receive just a few great quality gifts that will provide entertainment and that will last, instead of a large amount of plastic toys that they will throw away or will break in no time at all. Also teaching our children about not being such a throw away society and to try to look after our things rather than think we can just buy another one.

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